MTSU Summer Study Abroad
The History of Astronomy in England

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image of Dr. Wallin
John F. Wallin

Director, Computational Sciences PhD Program

Professor of Physics and Astronomy

The study abroad trip will be led by Dr. John Wallin, a Professor at Middle Tennesee State University in the Department of Physics and Astronomy. During the spring of 2010, he was a Visiting Fellow at Mansfield College Oxford and is a frequent traveler to the UK. He first offered this course in the Summer of 2014. Dr. Wallin was awarded a Teaching Excellence Award in 1998 from George Mason Unversity, and was nominated for the Virginia Outstanding Faculty award by the office of the Provost in 1999 and 2006.

In 2010, he took the job as the first Director of the Interdisciplinary PhD Program in Computational Science at MTSU. His primary research is aimed at understanding the gravitationally interactions in the universe. In this research, Dr. Wallin uses a variety of computational and observational techniques linking numerical models with data. His research has included developing algorithms for improving the performance of meshless methods in lagrangian hydrodynamic simulations as well as probing deviations from the inverse square law in the outer solar system.

Most recently, he has become involved in the Zooniverse project to enable volunteer Citizen Scientists to contribute their eyes and brains to analyzing scientific data. He currently is working on the Ancient Lives project to analyze ancient Greek and Coptic manuscripts as the computional led. This research is focused on bring cutting edge computational techniques to the humanities. His previous research has included using the World Wide Web as an aid to teaching large lecture classes.

Wallin received his B.S. Degrees in Physics, Astronomy, and Mathematics at Mankato State University in 1984. In 1989, Wallin obtained his Ph.D. in Astrophysics at Iowa State University. He was a National Research Council Cooperative Research Associate working in the Space Sciences Division at the Naval Research Laboratory from 1989 to 1992. From 1992 to 2010, Dr. Wallin was a faculty member in the Computational Science Program at George Mason University. During the 1999-2000 school year, he was on sabbatical leave as a visiting scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory's Applied Physics Division (X-3).

Dr. Wallin lives with his wife Katharine and their three cats in Murfreesburo Tennessee. His full website is HERE!