Dr. Yi Gu

Associate Professor
KOM 301A (Kirksey Old Main Building)
Department of Computer Science
Middle Tennessee State University
Murfreesboro, TN 37132
Email: Yi.Gu<at>mtsu.edu
Phone: (615) 904-8238






Under Review

1)     (Subcontractor) “ExamMaker: Automated USW Knowledge Base Extraction and Exam Maker using Advanced Transformer-based NLP Models”, DoD Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Program: N23A-T014: DIGITAL ENGINEERING - Automated Knowledge Base Extraction and Student Assessment. (Prepared as Co-PI but changed to subcontractor during the submission due to the requirement of citizenship for PI/Co-PI), 2023.


2)     (PI) “Increasing Success and Retention of Female Students in Computer Science by Enhancing Two Key Factors: Math Proficiency and Programming Skills”, Tennessee Board of Regents Student Engagement, Retention, and Success Initiative (TBR-SERS), $33,020.84, 07/01/2022 – 06/30/2023.

3)      (PI) “Energy Efficiency for Big Data Sciences in Cloud Environments”, Faculty Research and Creative Activity Grant (FRCAC), Middle Tennessee State University, $10,000, 06/01/2018 – 12/31/2018.

4)     (PI) NSF CSR: Small: Collaborative Research: An Integrated Approach to Performance Modeling and Optimization of Big-data Scientific Workflows, $125,000, 10/01/2015 – 09/30/2018.

5)     (PI) “Performance Modeling and Optimization of Big Data Scientific Workflows in Distributed Network Environments”, Faculty Research and Creative Activity Grant (FRCAC), Middle Tennessee State University, $7,268, 01/20/2015 – 08/31/2015.

6)     (Co-PI) National Science Foundation of China (NSFC), “Transport Control to Provide Deadline-sensitive Services”, Guangxi University, Nanning, P. R. China, RMB 450,000 (total), 01/01/2015 – 12/31/2018.

7)     (PI) Technology Awards from the Faculty Research & Development program, University of Tennessee at Martin, PI, $1,000, 3/2/2012 – 4/9/2012.

Not Funded

8)    (Senior Personnel) “REU Site: Interdisciplinary Collaborative Robot for Agricultural Engineering”, NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU), 2022.

9)  “Workflow Scheduling and Optimization for Big Data Sciences in Clouds”, Google Faculty Research Awards Program, 2019.

10)  (Co-PI) NSF STEM+C:EI: Computational Biology for Algorithmic Thinking (CBAT), $650,000, 2015.

11)  (Co-PI) NSF BIGDATA:F:DKM: Collaborative Research: Performance modeling and optimization of large-scale workflows for big data science, $306,566, 2015.

12)  (Co-PI) “Development of Predictive Analytic Tool for Student Retention using Statistical and Machine Learning Approaches”, $39,160, Tennessee Board of Regents, 2014.

13)  (PI) NSF CSR: Small: Collaborative Research: Performance modeling and optimization of large-scale distributed workflows for big data science, $158,980, 2014.

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