CSCI 3210: Theory of Programming Languages

CSCI 3210: 9:45 – 12:00 BAS S270

Tentative Schedule



Lecture Topic

Homework & Projects

Week 1

May 28

Introduction (lecture notes): Go over syllabus, project1 and project2 assigned. language evaluation criteria (Readability, Writability, Reliability)

Project1 (Due: June 21)

Project2 (Optional) (Due: June 21)

In this class, all projects are due at 11:59pm of the due day.

May 29

Introduction: Language Category (Declarative vs. Imperative), Language Implementation (Compilation/Pure Interpretation/Hybrid/Just-In-Time), Token, Regular Expression (concatenation, choice, repetition), Context Free Grammar, BNF Extension



Website to check your regular expression.

May 30

Syntax and Semantics (lecture notes): derivation, parse tree, ambiguity; semantics (operational, denotational, axiomatic), variable (name, address, value, type, lifetime, scope), binding (static binding vs. dynamic binding), type binding (explicit vs. implicit, type inference, dynamic type binding)

Project3 assigned (Due: June 3)

Week 2

June 3

Name, Scope, and Binding (lecture notes): Storage binding(table), static/dynamic scoping, global scope, referencing environment, review for 1st exam.

June 4

Type Systems (lecture notes): Type system: type equivalence (name vs. structural), type compatibility, type inference, functional programming language introduction

June 5

1st Exam (introduction, RE, CFG, Name, Scope and Binding)


June 6

Functional Programming Language (Lecture notes): (example), primitive data types

Project4 assigned (Due: June 11)

Week 3

June 10

Data Types (Lecture Notes): mutable and immutable string, scoped and unscoped enum in C++. Java Enum ExampleEnum Loop; array (ragged array, array initialization)C# array tutorial, associative array, array classification, array implementation, pointer, dangling pointer, memory leak

June 11

Expressions and Assignment Statements (Lecture Notes): garbage collection (reference counters vs. mark-sweep), arithmetic expression, relational expression, precedence level, side effects, operand evaluation order (Example), short circuit evaluation 

Project5 Assigned (Due: June 12)

June 12

Control Flow(Lecture Notes): Two-way/Multi-way selection statement, Multi-way selection (Java switchC# switch), loop (for-loop, while-loop, foreach loop(example) ), labeled and unlabeled break/continue statement

June 13

2nd Exam (Type Systems, Data Types, and functional programming language, expressions and assignment statements)

Week 4

June 17

Logic Programming (Lecture Notes): Go over 2nd exam, Prolog example

Project6 Assigned (Due: June 21)

June 18

Subprogram (Lecture Notes): subprogram fundamental, default parameter, variant # of function parameters (JavaC#C++RubyPython), parameter passing example(important to understand difference between pass-by-value and pass-by-reference for value-type and reference-type variables), passing two-dimensional array, passing subprogram as parameters (Example)

June 19

Juneteenth Holiday - No Classes/University Closed

June 20

Subprogram: overloading, generic function (Example), function closure (Example), Review of 3rd exam, ADT(constructor, destructor, access control), generic class(JavaC++), ADT(constructor, destructor, access control), generic class(JavaC++)

Project7 Assigned (Due: June 24)

Week 5

June 24

Abstract Data Type (Lecture Notes):

Object Oriented Programming (Lecture Notes): Inheritance, overriding, abstract class and interface, polymorphism (C++, Java), Java nested classes, subtype vs subclassing

June 25

3rd Exam (Control flow, Subprogram, Prolog)

June 26

No class today.


June 27

Final Exam: (Scheme and Prolog will not be covered)


Class Resources


Please take your time to go through the syllabus carefully and with patience.


All class examples, assignments, and source codes are available in this directory.