Integer and Floating-point Division

You have yet to see the rest of the story about the division operator(/). The behavior of this operator depends on the type of the operands.

★ If both operands are integers, C++ performs integer division. That means any fractional part of the answer is discarded, making the result an integer.

★ If one or both operands are floating-point values, the fractional part is kept, making the result floating-point.

			Integer division: 9/5 = 1
			Floating-point division: 9.0/5.0 = 1.8
			Mixed division: 9.0/5 = 1.8

Type Conversion in C++

C++ operations occur on same type operands. If operands are of different types, C++ will convert one.

★ Implicit Conversion

Implicit conversion do not require any operator. They are automatically performed.


  No data loss  
Lower Data Type charshortintlongfloatdoublelong double Higher Data Type
  Data loss  

★ Explicit Type Casting
