Connecting to ranger via MobaXterm  

For users of Microsoft Windows

Background:  A server is a computer that provides services to more than one user at a time. Unlike a small personal computer that you physically handle to use, a server is usually used via a network connection.  In many computer science courses you will use a UNIX environment in which to do your work.  The ranger computer system is a server that provides a UNIX environment.  (Actually, ranger is really an “umbrella” name for a set of computers that act as a server.  We don’t care which of the ranger machines is actually serving us.)  The question is, how do we access the server to get these services?  That is, how do we get to use a graphical UNIX application on ranger?  One way is to run an application program called MobaXterm.  With MobaXterm and a high-speed Internet connection, it is possible to display and use graphical UNIX applications on the Microsoft Windows-based personal computer we are using.  (Note: You should have an Internet download connection of at least 7Mbps in order to use MobaXterm effectively.)

You can download the latest version of MobaXterm from

and after unzipping the downloaded file (i.e., doing an Extract All... operation on the .zip file), enter the resulting MobaXterm_installer file folder and then double click on the Windows installer file (it will have a name similar to MobaXterm_installer.msi) and then follow the prompts. (Note: a common mistake is to forget to unzip the downloaded file and attempt to click on the .msi file found in the downloaded compressed .zip directory file instead. Clicking on the wrong .msi file will give you an error message.) Upon installation, you will find a MobaXterm icon on your desktop.

Observation: the first-time you start MobaXterm will be slow due to one-time initializations.


Logging in remotely

ssh -Y

If you are on the MTSU Computer Science network, you can shorten this and just type:

ssh -Y username@ranger

·     Where username is your ranger login username (probably a C-number).

·     If you enter a wrong username by accident, it will still prompt you for a password. Press Ctrl+C to quit the login attempt.

Enter your password when prompted. The characters you type won't appear, but you will be entering a password.

When Logging into ranger(x) for the first time

·         MobaXterm may ask if you want to save your password to your machine (or wherever MobaXterm is saved); say no.

·         It may ask you if you trust the host you are connecting to. Type yes.

Once logged in

Once you are logged into ranger, the MobaXterm terminal window you have is fine for light duty work. However you may want a better terminal window (e.g., one where you can easily change the background color or resize the font) if you are doing something more intensive. To get a standard X11 terminal window, enter the command (don't enter the ):
            terminal &
(if that command doesn't work, try the command /usr/bin/sakura)
You can create as many X11 terminal windows as you need this way. When done, exit all the X11 window(s) and then the MobaXterm window by entering exit in each window. Finally, terminate MobaXterm; use the red exit icon in the upper right hand corner of the window.

Transferring Files

Transferring files in MobaXterm is easy. When you SSH into your account, a file list will appear on the right. Just drag and drop files from Windows Explorer into it, or drag files from it to Windows Explorer to transfer files. You'll have to have the correct permissions of course. There is no progress bar while exchanging files, so bigger files will make it seem like nothing is happening.

Forwarding Graphics from X to Windows

Forwarding graphics should work right out of the box. There is no configuration needed, just start a program that requires a display from the command line and a new Window will pop up. An easy way to demonstrate the X forwarding feature is to enter the command $ xclock & into the terminal and see a clock pop up. For more information on why X is used, see Why use the X Window System?


MobaXterm Tips


o   You will notice that while using MobaXterm, it may feel sluggish. To pull out slightly better performance, go to

Settings->Configuration->Display, and set the skin to 'none'. This way, it will use the Windows theme, and let Windows handle the window.


o   MobaXterm also has some Windows commands built in, such as ipconfig. These commands only work before you SSH into another machine. Once you connect to another machine, only commands present on the remote machine will work.


o    Don’t forget to logout of  ranger when you are done.  Sometimes the logout will seem to hang, if so, use a Ctrl-C to force the logout.  To quit MobaXterm, use the red exit icon in the upper right hand corner of the window.


See the MobaXterm documentation for more information. (Help->Documentation)

( Based on an original page written by Michael Perez and found at