  Karel the Robot  

Programming Summary
(version 6.0.x/UNIX)

        -Primitive Procedures
            1) TurnOn();      Karel is initialized.
            2) Move();        Karel moves one block forward.
            3) TurnLeft();    Karel pivots 90 degrees to left.
            4) PickBeeper();  Karel removes a beeper from corner.
            5) PutBeeper();   Karel places a beeper on corner.
            6) TurnOff();     Karel turns off.

        -Specifying a Complete Program
            7) // olaNNN BY student name, CSCI 2170-sec, ...
               // PROGRAM ID: source-name.cpp / one-line description 
               // AUTHOR: student name 
               // INSTALLATION: MTSU 
               // REMARKS: short description and comments
               // . . .

               #include <karel.h>
               using namespace std;

               int main()

                   ...your Karel statements here...


        -The Mechanism for Defining New Function Procedures
            8) void IDENTIFIER()
                   ...your Karel statements here...

                where the IDENTIFIER consists of the following characters:
            A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and underscore.  The IDENTIFIER cannot contain
            any blanks and must begin with an alphabetic letter.

        -The Predicates for Testing the Environment
            9) SIGHT:    frontIsClear       frontIsBlocked
                         leftIsClear        leftIsBlocked
                         rightIsClear       rightIsBlocked

           10) SOUND:    nextToABeeper      notNextToABeeper

           11) COMPASS:  facingNorth        notFacingNorth
                         facingSouth        notFacingSouth
                         facingEast         notFacingEast
                         facingWest         notFacingWest

           12) TOUCH:    anyBeepersInBeeperBag

        -Conditional Instructions
           13) if (predicate)             15) if      (predicate)  
               {                              {
                   statement(s);                  statement(s);
               }                              }
                                              else if (predicate) 
           14) if (predicate)                 {                
               {                                  statement(s);
                   statement(s);              }
               }                              . . .
               else                           else   
               {                              { 
                   statement(s);                  statement(s);
               }                              } 

        -Repetition (Looping) Instructions
           16) iterate (NUMBER)
                   statement(s) comprising body of loop;
                   . . .

           17) while (predicate)
                   statement(s) comprising body of loop;
                   . . .

           18) do 
                   statement(s) comprising body of loop;
                   . . .
               } while (predicate);

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