[8/03/15 1pm] Your closed lab assignments (tabc and offender) have been graded; use the https://cs.mtsu.edu/cgi-bin/gus/gus.py web site to retrieve your graded assignments and see what you got. [7/30/15 6pm] The OLA5 due date has been extended to Monday, August 3rd. [7/23/15 10pm] Your mid-term academic progress reports are misleading. See you MTMAIL e-mail for an explanation. In any event, ignore it. [7/22/15 8am] The OLA4 due date has been extended to July 25th. [7/16/15 11am] The original OLA2 assignment has been split into three. See calendar for OLA2, OLA3, and OLA4 due dates. [7/14/15 4pm] We have a textbook! It's "Linux Shell Scripting with Bash" by Ken O. Burtch. See calendar for reading assignments. [7/09/15 8am] To access password-protected course Web pages, use "MT" for the User name field and "CS" for the password. (No quotation marks; all upper-case letters.) [07/07/15 9am] If you're a regular Gmail user, you might be interested in how Gmail lets you send messages with another of your email addresses (for example, MTMAIL) listed as the sender instead of your Gmail address. See https://support.google.com/mail/answer/22370 [07/07/15 8am] When sending e-mail messages to the instructor, please always include your name and the course number and section. This enables me to identify who the e-mail is from and what the context is. Remember to use your MTMAIL account address. Also, unless otherwise specifically requested, please only send plain-text e-mail without MIME attachments. This allows me to read and respond using a "light" e-mail client. [08/19/07 8am] Course notices, such as this, normally appear here when you log on. These notices can be redisplayed by using the "Notices" command. Retired notices can be redisplayed by using the "Old" command.