Lab 7 - More on Control Structures


Objectives: Sections:
  1. The Structure Theorem
  2. The Case Construct
  3. The SWITCH Statement
  4. The Repeat-Until Construct
  5. The DO-WHILE Statement
  6. The FOR Statement
  7. The BREAK and CONTINUE statements

The Structure Theorem
Before we learn about some more C++ statements in this lab, we need to learn a little programming theory.

What is the difference between a novel and a book? They really aren't the same thing! A novel is a relatively long fictional prose story. A book is a bound collection of pages. A novel is often published as a book - but it can also exist on microfilm or be stored electronically. Thus a novel is an abstract entity, whereas a book is one concrete way of implementing that entity.

Control Logic Structures are similarly abstract. When we speak of the control logic structures of Sequence, Selection, and Repetition (illustrated below)
            Sequence         Sequence Flowchart
            Selection         Selection Flowchart
            Repetition         Repetition Flowchart
we are talking about flow of control abstractions. It is possible to have a program contain repetition logic, for example, even if the computer programming language it is coded in does not have any loop statements. (Such programming languages do exist!   Happily, C++ is not one of them.)

Why are these three control logic structures important? To explain fully, we first have to define the term proper program:

A Proper Program has the following four characteristics:
  1. has one entry point,
  2. has one exit point,
  3. contains no dead code, and
  4. contains no eternal loops.
Don't worry about the one entry/exit point stuff. No dead code means a program does not contain code that is inherently unreachable and thus unexecutable. No eternal loops means no loops that are designed to run forever.

Please do not get hung up on the adjective proper; this is a formal term and does not mean "good" or "desirable" - it simply means the program possesses the four characteristics given above. However we will argue that proper programs are probably the only programs we are interested in coding, at least in this course. A program that never ends is not very useful (it is hard to hand in the execution results) and why would we want to insert dead code into a program?

Now that we know the formal meaning of proper program, and that these are the types of programs we want to construct, we finally get to what is probably the most significant discovery in computer science, at least as far as programming is concerned: the Structure Theorem. The Structure Theorem was first proven in 1961 by two Italian computer scientists, Corrado Böhm and Giuseppe Jacopini. However it went virtually unnoticed until Edsger Dijkstra wrote a paper in 1968 about the theorem's practical consequences. The following version of the the Structure Theorem is based on Linger, Mills, and Witt (1975):

The Structure Theorem - Any proper program can be constructed using only three control logic structures: sequence, selection, and repetition.

The major value of the Structure Theorem is in its proof that only a small set of control logic structures, suitably composed, can build any program we are interested in constructing. This is as important to computer science, as Dalton's atomic theory (that all matter in the universe is composed of atoms) was to chemistry.

The term Structured Programming was originally coined to describe the style of programming where programs were designed and built using only this limited set of control logic structures. You have been doing structured programming since the beginning of the course. Previously, you have been introduced to the C++ IF statement that provides a concrete way of implementing the selection control logic structure. You have also seen the C++ WHILE statement that provides a concrete way of implementing the repetition control logic structure. Sequence is provided by just listing one statement after another. Consequently, you have learned enough C++ so that, in theory, you are now able to write a program to solve any problem you will ever be given!

Of course, theory is one thing and practice is another. For example, in theory, if you can walk, you can travel by foot to the southern tip of South America. But in practice, issues of cost and convenience are very important. Although all proper programs can be built using just the control logic constructs of sequence, selection, and repetition, it is convenient to add two additional control logic structures to our toolkit: case and repeat-until. We shall consider these two new constructs, and ways of implementing them in C++, in the following sections.

Exercise 1:
Write out the definition of a proper program.

Exercise 2:
Write out the statement of the Structure Theorem.

The Case Construct
The selection control logic structure involves selecting from among two alternative actions. In the selection flowchart, we saw that we required either Task A or Task B to be performed. (However, sometimes Task B is the null task, that is, do nothing.) Regardless of which of these two tasks was performed, the flow of control resumed at a common exit point. Because of this behavior, selection can also be called simple alternation or two-way alternation because there are only two alternatives.

However, many times in designing a program it is convenient to consider directing the flow of control among more than two alternatives. The case control logic structure, also called multiple alternation, involves selecting from multiple (more than two) alternative actions. For example, the following flowchart depicts a case control logic structure that increments different counters depending on the value of a code variable.

            Case         Case Flowchart

The C++ IF statement provides one concrete way of implementing the case control logic structure. The case flowchart logic above could be implemented with the following code:

         if (code==1)
             if (code==3)
                 if (code==6)

The indentation of the code above does a poor job, however, of revealing the inherent case logic. That is, the indentation does not clearly reveal that each incrementation is one of a set of mutually exclusive alternatives. The multiway IF indentation scheme would reveal this much more clearly and compactly:

         if (code==1)
         else if (code==3)
         else if (code==6)

To emphasize to someone reading the code that the same value is being testing in each IF statement, often the boolean expression (predicate) in the first IF is shifted a little to the right so as to align with the following boolean expressions. Also, a C++ comment can be appended to the last ELSE explaining the conditions under which the last alternative is executed. The code would then look like this:

         if      (code==1)
         else if (code==3)
         else if (code==6)
         else // otherwise

Any case control logic structure can be implemented using nested IF statements as illustrated. However, in certain circumstances, another C++ statement may also be used to implement multiple alternation: the SWITCH statement.

The SWITCH Statement
The C++ SWITCH statement may be used to select one of several alternatives. The SWITCH statement has the general form:
         switch (expression)
             case Label1:
             case Label2:
             ... etc. ...
             case Labeln-1:
The switch expression must be of integral type (char, short, int, long, bool).   Each case Label must be an integral constant value, usually a literal or named constant.

To illustrate and explain the use of the SWITCH statement, we use it to reimplement the case flowchart logic from the previous section.
         switch (code)
             case 1:
             case 3:
             case 6:
              Case Flowchart
In this example, code is the integral switch expression. The statement means "If code evaluates to the value 1, execute the statement countA++;. If code evaluates to the value 3, execute the statement countB++;. If code evaluates to the value 6, execute the statement countC++;. Otherwise, for all other values of code, execute the statement countX++;." This implements the case flowchart logic as intended.

Note: The keyword   break;   in a switch is very important! If the break is omitted following a statement sequence, then execution will continue, or fall through to the next statement(s). Ordinarily this is undesirable and an error. However, when several cases share the same outcome, we can use this feature to simplify our coding. For example, a letter grade in this course of D or F requires a computer science major to retake the course. Rather than duplicate the code for each alternative, we can omit the break; on one of the cases and have execution drop down to the following alternative. The following code illustrates such a use; assume the variable letterGrade is of type char:

         switch (letterGrade)
             case 'A':
                 cout << "Excellent" << endl;
                 tallyA = tallyA+1;
             case 'B':
                 cout << "Good" << endl;
                 tallyB = tallyB+1;
             case 'C':
                 cout << "Passing" << endl;
                 tallyC = tallyC+1;
             case 'D':
             case 'F':
                 cout << "Unsatisfactory" << endl;
                 cout << "You must retake the course" << endl;
                 tallyNoPass = tallyNoPass+1;
                 cout << "Error in letter grade: "
                      << letterGrade << endl;

Here is another example:

         switch (size)
             case 6:
             case 7:
             case 8:
             case 9:
             case 101:
                 cout << "big";
             case 1:
             case 2:
             case 3:
                 cout << "small";
             case 4:
             case 5:
                 cout << "medium";
                 cout << "Error"
         cout << endl;
Note: Although it is common (and usually a good idea) to list the case labels in order, it is not necessary. Thus sizes of 6 through 9 and 101 are considered valid big sizes in the code above. Also notice how, regardless of which alternative is executed, the output statement after the switch will start a new line. Finally, notice that the final break; in the default section is unnecessary. Even with it, execution would exit the switch. But programmers often include it to keep the coding uniform and because if future changes to the code change the default to an actual case label, the break; will safely already be there.

Exercise 3:
Write a SWITCH statement to display the appropriate color depending on the value of a variable colorval as in the table below:
if colorval isdisplay this color

Exercise 4:
Copy the source file $CLA/cla7a.cpp to your closed lab directory. The program currently uses IF statements to implement a case logic construct. Modify the code to remove all IF statements from the code and replace them with an appropriately coded SWITCH statement. Also change student name on the top comment (first line of code) to your name and change the CSCI 2170 section number to your section number. Use as your executable file name "cla7a". You are to hand in the source program listing of the modified code, compilation results, and seven output reports obtained from running your program against the input data shown below. Something like the following UNIX commands will let you create what is required:
            $ script lab7ex4.log
            $ pr -n -t -e4 cla7a.cpp
            $ c++ cla7a.cpp -o cla7a
            $ cla7a 
            $ cla7a 
            $ cla7a 
            $ cla7a 
            $ cla7a 
            $ cla7a 
            $ cla7a 
            $ exit
(Be sure to exit the script session before continuing!)

The Repeat-Until Construct
The repetition control logic structure is a looping control structure in which the loop condition is tested at the beginning of the loop. For this reason, we sometimes identify this as a zero or more times loop, because if the boolean expression representing the loop condition should initially evaluate to false, the contents of the loop will never be executed. As we have seen, the C++ WHILE statement directly implements the repetition control logic structure. (Because of this close association, it is not uncommon for the repetition control logic structure to be called the while control logic structure.)

However, many times in designing a program it is convenient to use a loop in which the condition is tested at the end of the loop. The repeat-until control logic structure is a looping construct that exhibits such behavior. For this reason, we sometimes identify this as a one or more times loop, because the boolean expression is not even evaluated until one iteration of the loop has occurred. The following flowchart graphically depicts the repeat-until control logic structure. Notice that the loop is exited when the loop condition evaluates to true.
            Repeat-Until         repeat-until Flowchart

Interestingly, C++ does not have a statement that exactly implements this abstract control logic structure! This in some ways reflects the age of the language C from which C++ derives its control statements. At the time that the C language was created, structured programming was only beginning to emerge as the dominant style of programming. Most later languages, such as Pascal and Ada, do have statements that directly implement the repeat-until control logic structure; in fact, in Pascal the statement is called the repeat-until statement. So why bring this up in a lab dealing with C++? Simply to point out once again that a control logic structure as a concept is different from the statement(s) that may implement the structure.

It turns out that C++ does have a statement that comes very close to implementing the repeat-until. This statement is the DO-WHILE statement. The C++ DO-WHILE statement implements a looping control structure in which the loop condition is tested at the end (bottom) of the loop.

The DO-WHILE Statement
The DO-WHILE looping statement: The following flowchart graphically depicts this logic:
            do-while         do-while Flowchart
Notice this is almost the same as the repeat-until logic except for the exit criteria: a DO-WHILE loop exits when the condition evaluates to false.

The DO-WHILE statement has the general form:

             ... loop body statement(s) ...
         } while (expression);
The expression is a boolean expression (predicate). Notice the semi-colon at the end of the statement. This is required and will give you an error message if omitted by accident. Although the curly-braces are optional if the loop body consists of a single statement, most C++ programmers always include them.

The DO-WHILE loop is not commonly used. A survey of the UNIX operating system software revealed that of all the loops found in the code, only about 4% were DO-WHILE loops. Even so, there are times where a DO-WHILE loop is the most appropriate looping construct to use. As an example of a situation that might use a DO-WHILE loop, suppose we had been reading and processing character data from a line and now simply wished to print the remainder of the line to standard output. The strategy would be to read and print a character at a time until we had run out of line; that is, until we had read and output the terminating newline ('\n') character. Notice we have to read (and print) at least one character to determine if we have finished processing the line. Using a DO-WHILE loop, the code would look like:

             cout << ch;
         } while (ch != '\n');

Exercise 5:
Write a C++ code segment that will read in values for the variable grade until grade has a value between 0 and 100. Use a DO-WHILE loop.

Exercise 6:
For each of the following problems, assume you intend to use a DO-WHILE loop. Write the logical expression that you would use as the condition for the DO-WHILE, that is, your answer is the logical expression that would go inside the parentheses at the end of the loop.
  1. Process and print out the grades for different students until the user indicates that he/she no longer wishes to process grades. The user indicates this by typing in the character 'N' (read in by the statement   cin >> response;) to indicate that he/she no longer wishes to process information.

  2. Continue to read in floating-point values for A, B, and C until a positive discriminant (B2 - 4AC) is found.

The FOR Statement
The C++ FOR statement significantly simplifies the writing of count-controlled loops. The FOR statement has the general form:
         for ( initialize ; expression ; update )
             ... loop body statement(s) ...
The initialize section contains code, typically an assignment, that is performed only once upon loop entry. The expression is a boolean expression (predicate) that is evaluated prior to executing the loop body. The update section contains code that is performed after the loop body is executed. The curly-braces are optional if the loop body consists of a single statement.

The FOR statement is said to implement a pre-loop test because the boolean expression that determines whether an iteration of the loop is to be done is evaluated prior to the execution of the loop body. This is the same as a WHILE loop. This is because the FOR statement is merely a compact version of a WHILE loop!

Consider the FOR loop below that prints out, one number per line, the integers from 1 to n. The FOR starts by executing (but only once on entry) the initialization section - in this example, count=1. Next the boolean expression count<=n is evaluated. If false, the loop is exited. If true, the loop body is executed. After the entire loop body is executed, the modification section is executed - in this example, the variable, count, is incremented by one.

                  for-while loop correspondence

Internally, the C++ compiler essentially translates the FOR loop into an equivalent WHILE loop as shown above.

Consider the following FOR loop examples:

  1.          for (int i=1; i < 10; i=i+2)
                 cout << i << endl;
    This loop structure will execute the loop body (comprised of a single output statement) exactly 5 times and will print the odd integers between 1 and 10. Each integer will appear on a separate line.

    Note that:

  2.          for (int j=2; j < 5; j++)
                 cin >> x;
                 cout << x << endl;
    This loop will read and print exactly 3 values for x. A value will be read when j is 2, when j is 3, and when j is 4. Each value will be printed on a separate line.

    Note that:

  3.          for (int n=10; n>0; n--)
                 cout << n << endl;
    This loop will print the numbers 10 through 1 in countdown fashion, one per line.

    Note that:

  4.          for (k=2; k<=1024; k = k * 2);
                 cout << k << endl;
    This loop is tricky! Even though it will generate successive powers of 2 (2, 4, 8, 16, etc.) it will print only one line, the value 2048. WHY? -- because of the inappropriately placed ; after the FOR statement! This makes a null statement the body of the loop. Based on the indentation, the programmer almost certainly made an error and did not intend for this to happen. If the same (albeit probably wrong) logic were indented properly, it would be written as:
             for (k=2; k<=1024; k = k * 2)
             cout << k << endl;

  5.          for (len=9; len>=1; len--)
                 for (num=1; num<=len; num++)
                     cout << num;
                 cout << endl;
    This is an example of nested FOR loops. The output produced is

Exercise 7:
         for (int k=-5; k<0; k++)
             cout<< k + 2 << endl;
Answer the questions on the answer sheet related to the above C++ code segment.

Exercise 8:
Each of the following are FOR loop applications. Show the initialization section, the test condition, and the update code for the counter in each question.

NOTE: Answer in a format similar to: (j = 1; j < 11; j++).
  1. Find and print the area for five triangles.
  2. Compute the average for each of N students, where N is the number of students.

The BREAK and CONTINUE statements
We have already seen the C++ break; statement used to break out of the SWITCH statement. The   break;   statement can also be used with the WHILE, DO-WHILE, and FOR statements. In each of these, executing the   break;   interrupts the flow of control by immediately exiting these statements. Thus in the case of a loop, executing the   break;   causes the program to skip straight to the statement following the loop. Although the   break;   statement is extremely useful used with the SWITCH statement, its use with loops should be used with extreme caution. The circumstances where it would make sense to use the   break;   statement in a loop are rare.

The   continue;   statement can only be used with looping statements. Executing a   continue;   causes the program to skip to the next iteration of the loop. Essentially it causes the remainder of the loop body code to be skipped for this iteration. Thus in a WHILE or DO-WHILE, it means the condition test is executed immediately. When used in a FOR statement, the   continue;   causes the update section to be executed immediately followed by an evaluation of the test condition. The use of the   continue;   in programming is also rare. The usual circumstance warranting the use of a   continue;   is when the part of the loop that follows is extremely complicated and deeply nested, so that adding an IF statement to bypass this code and indenting another level would nest the program too deeply. Consider the following example:

         for (int row=0; row<1024; row++)
             for (int col=0; col<512; col++)
                 if (row==col)
                 ... other loop body statement(s) ...
In this example, every time row equals col, the remaining statements in the loop body will be skipped.

Exercise 9:
On your answer sheet, type in the following, substituting your name for student name:

I, student name, pledge not to use "break;" nor "continue;" inside loops while in this course.

Exercise 10:
Copy the source file $CLA/cla7b.cpp to your closed lab directory. The program currently contains exactly four syntax errors plus one logic error. Correct these syntax and logic errors. Also change student name on the top comment (first line of code) to your name and change the CSCI 2170 section number to your section number. Use as your executable file name "cla7b". You are to hand in the source program listing of the corrected code, compilation results, and a sample run of the program. Something like the following UNIX commands will let you submit what is required:
            $ script lab7ex10.log
            $ pr -n -t -e4 cla7b.cpp
            $ c++ cla7b.cpp -o cla7b
            $ cla7b
                 ...the data you enter...
            $ exit
            $ handin "lab7log" lab7ex4.log lab7ex10.log
(Be sure to exit the script session before trying to submit the logs!)

Exercise 11:

From the PC you are working on, you must also submit the answer sheet (AnswerSheet7.pdf) using the following directions:

Congratulations! You have finished Lab 7.

Once you are done, you will need to log off ranger. Enter   $ exit   to exit the (sakura) terminal window. Depending on how you logged in to ranger you will need to enter $ exit one or more times to get completely logged off the system.

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