Lab 4 - C++ Input and Using Functions

Click here to CREATE ANSWER SHEET for LAB 4


  1. Introduction
  2. Data Input
  3. Manipulating string data
  4. Manipulating numeric data
  5. Formatting output
  6. Code for Lab 4

This lab reviews some of what you already know about C++ programming and adds new details.  In particular, you will learn how to input data from the keyboard, sometimes known as the standard input device, using the file stream named cin.  You will learn more about the string, float and int data types, including how to use some powerful functions that are available in standard libraries.  Most of these are functions that work like functions in mathematics -- you send the function an argument and it returns a value.  However, you will see one example of a "void" function, one that does a job without returning a value.  Finally, you will learn a bit about how to make C++ output "pretty."

Data input
The file cla4a.cpp contains a short C++ program to calculate the area of a rectangle.  Specifically, it inputs the length and width of the rectangle from the keyboard.

Exercise 1: Copy the file $CLA/cla4a.cpp to your account and display it on your screen.
(NOTE: Don't forget to do your closed lab work in your ~/CLA directory.)
Use cp to copy files. Do not try using some copy/paste operation! Copy/paste does not preserve tab indentation. Use the command

cp $CLA/cla4a.cpp cla4a.cpp

Display cla4a.cpp on your screen. The first variable declared in cla4a.cpp is length; it has type float.
What other variables are declared ?  What are their types? Place your answer on the answer sheet.

In previous examples, variables were assigned values.  In this program, the statement
 cin >> length;
inputs a value for length from the keyboard.  Here cin is the name for the standard input stream (keyboard) and the extraction operator >> "inputs to" the destination.  When executed, the statement accepts characters from the keyboard until Enter is depressed.  Assuming these characters represent a valid float value, then that value is stored in the variable length.

The output statement

cout << "Enter length of rectangle:  ";
just before the input statement is very important.  Without it, the user would not know that the computer was expecting data to be entered, and might think the computer had just "crashed."  You should almost always use an output statement to "prompt" for data to be entered from the keyboard.

Look at the form of this output statement.  It does not have an endl manipulator at the end of it.  This is so that the cursor stays on the same line with the prompt.  The string to be displayed ends with a space to put a little separation between the colon (:) and the cursor.  This makes the screen easier to read.  Good programmers pay attention to user-friendly details!

Exercise 2:

In cla4a.cpp, what assignment statement calculates the area of the rectangle? Place your answer on the answer sheet.

After the area is calculated, it is displayed using the output statement

cout << "\nArea of rectangle is " << area << endl;
The \n at the beginning of the label is a newline character that will result in a blank line before "Area …".  The endl manipulator also skips to a new line; it should be used instead of \n at the end of a bunch of output since it ensures that the display will take place immediately.  This can make debugging your programs easier.

Exercise 3:

Suppose that a pyramid h units high has a square base b units on each edge.   Then the volume of the pyramid is (1/3)b2h.

Using the vi editor, create a C++ program, lab4ex3.cpp, that prompts for and inputs the height and base length for a pyramid, and displays its volume with an appropriate label.  Compile and run the program to make sure there are no errors and that it generates correct output. Use 147 as the height value and 230 as base length.
Create a script log, called lab4ex3.log of a print, a C++ compile, and a run of these activities by typing

$ script lab4ex3.log
$ pr -n -t -e4 lab4ex3.cpp
$ c++ lab4ex3.cpp -o lab4ex3
$ lab4ex3
 ... enter requested data here ...
$ exit

Manipulating string data
The data type string has many useful functions associated with it.  This section examines a few of these functions.

The length function returns the length of a string.  For example, if a program includes the statements

string str;

str = "C++ is fun";

cout << "The string " << str << " is "

<< str.length() << " characters long" << endl;
then it displays
The string C++ is fun is 10 characters long
when executed.  The syntax of this function call is a bit unusual.  You logically would expect length(str) rather than str.length().  The reason is technical and will be covered in more detail later, but it has to do with the fact that this length function is a member function for the class string.  It can be thought of as a message being sent to str: "str, tell me your length!"

The substr function is used to extract a substring from a string.  It has two arguments, (1) the starting position of the desired substring and (2) the length of the substring.  The position is counted from zero.

Using the string str containing "C++ is fun" you could picture the positions of the characters in str as

position 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
character C + +   i s   f u n

Here are some examples of values returned by substr:

str.substr(0,3) returns "C++"
str.substr(5,4) returns "s fu"

A length of 0 results in an empty string.  If the length argument specifies more characters than are available, then the substr function returns as many characters as it can.  However, if the starting position is not in the string, then a run-time error occurs.

The find function is used to find the starting position of one string in another.  Again assuming that str contains "C++ is fun" here are examples of values returned by find:

str.find("is") returns 4
str.find("C++") returns 0
str.find("xyz") returns 4294967295.  This value indicates that "xyz" isn't a substring of str.  The value 4294967295 is system-specific, but string::npos is its value on any system.

There is also a find function with a character argument.  For example,

str.find('+') returns 1

the position of the first +.  When all you need is one character, it is usually better to use a character like '+' rather than a single-character string like "+".

Exercise 4:

Assuming that the string variable courseName contains "Computer Science II", give the value of each C++ expression below on the answer sheet:


courseName.substr(0, 8)

courseName.substr(7, 10)


courseName.find("science") [Hint: find is case-sensitive]


The file cla4b.cpp contains a C++ program that will input a person's name (in the format first name followed by a slash followed by last name -- no spaces) into a single string variable.  It then finds the slash and uses the position of the slash to put the first name and last name into separate string variables.  Finally it calls a function DisplayName to output the name in the format last name followed by comma followed by first name.

Exercise 5:
  Copy the file $CLA/cla4b.cpp to your account and display it on your screen.
Assuming that you run the program and input Mary/Doe, give the value assigned to each of the following variables:



Notice the use of the function DisplayName.  This function is declared void since it does not return a value -- it exists to do a job.  A void function is called by giving its name and arguments as a stand-alone statement, rather than as part of a larger expression.

Exercise 6:
  Using the vi editor, create a C++ program, lab4ex6.cpp, that will input a person's name (in the format last name followed by a comma followed by first name -- no spaces).  Display the name in the format first name followed by a comma, followed by a space, followed by last name.  Structure your program similarly to cla4b.cpp.  Compile and run the program to make sure there are no errors and that it generates correct output. Use your own name as input.
Create a script log, called lab4ex6.log of a print, a C++ compile, and a run of these activities by typing

$ script lab4ex6.log
$ pr -n -t -e4 lab4ex6.cpp
$ c++ lab4ex6.cpp -o lab4ex6
$ lab4ex6
 ... enter requested data here ...
$ exit

Manipulating numeric data
You previously met the data types float and int.  Now it is time to learn additional operators and functions that can be used with these types.

The data type int has several additional operators defined. The operator / is used for division. This is whole number division like you learned in grade school — when you divide two ints, the fractional part is discarded and you get an int.  For example, 13 / 4 has value 3 and -7 / 2 has value -3. If you want the remainder, you can get it with the modulus operator %. For example 13 % 4 has value 1 and -7 % 2 has value -1.

C++ has handy increment and decrement operators that can be used to add 1 to or subtract 1 from an int variable.  These are ++ and --, respectively, and can be written either before or after the variable they are changing.  For example, if nbr is an int variable that contains 5, then ++nbr; changes the stored value to 6.  Similarly if nbr starts at 5, then --nbr; changes the stored value to 4.  Increment and decrement operators can be used in bigger expressions, too, but you would be wise to avoid this for now.

The library <cstdlib> contains an absolute value function (and many other things).  These are ordinary functions.  For example, abs(-45) returns 45.

Exercise 7:

On the answer sheet, give the values for the int variables nbr1, nbr2, nbr3, nbr4, and nbr5 after the following code is executed
nbr1 = 35 / 6;

nbr2 = 35 % 6;

nbr3 = 35;


nbr4 = 21;


nbr5 = abs(50);

There is also a division operator / defined for float types.  It gives fractional values.  For example 7.0 / 2.0 = 3.5.

The library <cmath> contains many useful mathematical functions, including trigonometric and other transcendental functions.  Some of the most useful are

sqrt — returns the square root of a float value
fabs — returns the absolute value of a float value
floor — returns the largest whole number less than or equal to a float value
ceil — returns the smallest whole number greater than or equal to a float value
pow — returns a float raised to a float power

For example

sqrt (1.44) returns 1.2
fabs(5.7) returns 5.7
floor(5.7) returns 5.0
ceil(5.7) returns 6.0
floor(-5.7) returns -6.0
ceil(-5.7) returns -5.0
pow(2.5, 3.0) returns 15.625

Exercise 8:

On the answer sheet, give the value of each of the expressions below:

8.0 / 5.0
8 / 5
pow(4.5, 2.0)


Formatting output
This section introduces a few methods of making C++ output prettier.  Let's start with a "plain" version of a program and then change it to a "fancy" version.

Suppose that you take out a loan for D dollars, to be repaid in monthly payments over Y years and the annual interest rate is R.  Then the amount of each monthly payment P is
Loan Formula

The file cla4c.cpp contains a C++ program that will prompt for and input a loan amount, an annual interest rate (like .06 for 6%) and a number of years. It is supposed to calculate the monthly payment, but the correct assignment statement has been replaced by

payment = -99.99;

Exercise 9:
Copy cla4c.cpp to your account. Change the assignment statement in cla4c.cpp to correctly implement the above formula. (Hint:  You will need the pow function.) Compile your program and run it using $1000 for 3 years at 6%. The monthly payment amount should be about $30.42. On the answer sheet give the exact amount displayed by the program.

The library <iomanip> contains a collection of I/O manipulators that can be used to make neat output. These include setw(), fixed, and setprecision().

setw()  sets the width of the next output. For example,

cout << '*' << setw(4) << 99 << '*' << endl;
will display *  99* with exactly two blanks.

fixed suppresses scientific notation in floating-point output and
setprecision() sets the number of digits to be displayed after the decimal point.

cout << fixed << setprecision(2) << 6.0 << endl;
displays 6.00

Exercise 10:
Modify your program from exercise 9 so that the monthly payment is displayed as money (that is, with exactly two digits after the decimal point).
Create a script log, called lab4ex10.log of a print, a C++ compile, and a run of these activities by typing

$ script lab4ex10.log
$ pr -n -t -e4 cla4c.cpp
$ c++ cla4c.cpp -o lab4ex10
$ lab4ex10
 ... enter requested data here ...
$ exit

Exercise 11:

Submit the log files you have created in Lab 4 typing

          $ handin lab4log lab4ex3.log lab4ex6.log lab4ex10.log
Exercise 12:

From the PC you are working on, you must also submit the answer sheet (AnswerSheet4.pdf) using the following directions:

Congratulations! You have finished Lab 4.

Once you are done, you will need to log off ranger. Enter   $ exit   to exit the (sakura) terminal window. Depending on how you logged in to ranger you will need to enter $ exit one or more times to get completely logged off the system.



Code for Lab 4 (Do not copy/paste)

// cla4a.cpp
// program to calculate the area of a rectangle

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    float length;
    float width;
    float area;

    cout << "Enter length of rectangle: ";
    cin >> length;
    cout << "Enter width: ";
    cin >> width;
    area = length * width;
    cout << "\nArea of rectangle is " << area << endl;

    return 0;

// cla4b.cpp
// program to change the format of a name

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

// display name using format name2, name1
void DisplayName(string name1, string name2);

int main()
    string name;
    string firstName;
    string lastName;
    int slashPosn;
    int lastNameLength;

    cout << "Enter name (first and last separated by a /): ";
    cin >> name;
    slashPosn = name.find('/');
    firstName = name.substr(0, slashPosn);
    lastNameLength = name.length() - slashPosn - 1;
    lastName = name.substr(slashPosn+1, lastNameLength);
    cout << "Reversed, the name is ";
    DisplayName(firstName, lastName);
    cout << endl;

    return 0;

// display name using format name2, name1
void DisplayName(string name1, string name2)
    cout << name2;
    cout << ", ";
    cout << name1;

// cla4c.cpp
// program to calculate loan payment amount

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int main()
    int nbrYears;
    float rate;
    float loanAmount;

    float payment;
    cout << "Enter loan amount: ";
    cin >> loanAmount;
    cout << "Enter number of years: ";
    cin >> nbrYears;
    cout << "Enter interest rate (like .06 for 6%): ";
    cin >> rate;

    payment = -99.99; // replace this assignment statement

    cout << "Monthly payment: " << payment << endl;
    return 0;