Arpan Man Sainju received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Alabama in July 2021 and a Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering from Tribhuvan University in 2011. His research interests include spatial big data analytics, spatial and spatiotemporal data mining, spatial database, geographic information system, and their interdisciplinary applications in earth science, transportation, public safety, public health, etc.
CSCI 6250 - Advanced Operating Systems (Spring24)
CSCI 6050 - Computer Systems Fundamentals (Spring23, Spring24)
CSCI 3240 - Introduction to Computer Systems (Fall22, Spring23, Summer23, Fall23, Spring24)
CSCI 3130 - Assembly and Computer Organization (Fall21, Spring22, Fall22, Spring22, Fall23, Spring23)
CSCI 3110 - Algorithms and Data Structures (Summer22)
CSCI 1170 - Introduction to Computer Science I (Spring22)
[Student] 01/16/2024: Abigail Kelly joined my team as a new Ph.D. student. Welcome to the team, Abigail.[Grant] 01/15/2024: Our DSI Seed grant proposal titled "Advancing Alzheimer's Diagnosis and Understanding Gender-specific Neural Patterns" was approved for the funding.[Grant] 01/15/2024: Our DSI Seed grant proposal titled "Integrating Road Network and Street View Imagery for Comprehensive Livability Mapping" was approved for the funding.[Grant] 11/18/2023: A poster titled "A Deep Learning Approach for Decision Support in Efficient 3D Object Manufacturing Method Selection" was honored with the Best Poster Award in ACM Mid-Southeast Conference. Congratulations, Dipesh Shrestha.[Award] 11/18/2023: A poster titled "A Deep Learning Approach for Decision Support in Efficient 3D Object Manufacturing Method Selection" was honored with the Best Poster Award in ACM Mid-Southeast Conference. Congratulations, Dipesh Shrestha.[Grant] 09/22/2023: An URECA proposal titled "Identifying Colocation Patterns in Local and Global Scale Using Global Terrorism Dataset" has been selected for funding. Congratulations, Abigail Kelly.[Student] 08/23/2024: Dipesh Shrestha joined my team as a new Ph.D. student. Welcome to the team, Dipesh.[Service] 07/28/2023: Dr.Sainju was invited to serve as a Proceedings Co-Chair for SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM), Houston, TX, USA, 2024.[Grant] 04/21/2023: An URECA proposal titled "Predicting and Mapping Environmental Health Index Through Street View Images" has been selected for funding. Congratulations, Aaron Vongprachanh.[Grant] 04/21/2023: An Undergraduate Research Experience and Creative Activity (URECA) proposal titled "Attention-Based Deep Learning Approach for Identification of Alzheimer's Disease from MRI Data" has been selected for funding. Congratulations, Steven Dew.[Paper] 12/26/2022: A paper entitled "Hidden Markov Forest for Terrain-Aware Flood Inundation Mapping on Earth Imagery" accepted for publication in SDM 2023.[Paper] 08/22/2022: A demo paper entitled "An Elevation-Guided Annotation Tool for Flood Extent Mapping on Earth Imagery" accepted for publication in SIGSPATIAL 2022.[Paper] 08/08/2021: One Journal paper entitled "Earth Imagery Segmentation on Terrain Surface with Limited Training Labels: A Semi-supervised Approach based on Physics-Guided Graph Co-Training" accepted for publication in the Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology.[Paper] 08/08/2021: One Journal paper entitled "Weakly Supervised Spatial Deep Learning for Earth Image Segmentation based on Imperfect Polyline Labels" accepted for publication in the Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology.[Paper] 07/26/2021: One Journal paper entitled "Flood Inundation Mapping with Limited Observations Based on Physics-Aware Topography Constraint" accepted for publication in the Frontiers in Big Data.[Paper] 02/01/2021: One paper accepted by the Journal of Environmental Modelling and Software, Elsevier. The paper is collaborated with the USGS Center of Excellence of Geospatial Information Science and UIUC CyberGIS group.[Paper] 01/12/2021: One paper accepted by SIAM Data Mining 2021.[Service] 11/7/2020: Arpan was invited to serve as a senior PC member for the IJCAI 2021.[Paper] 08/20/2020: A new paper was accepted by the ICDM 2020 conference![Paper] 6/24/2020: A conference paper was accepted by KDD 2020, one journal paper was accepted by IEEE TKDE and another journal accepted by International Journal of Remote Sensing.[Paper] 11/18/2019: A new paper was accepted to AAAI 2020.[Award] 09/26/2019: Arpan won the Best Poster award in the annual Computing@SEC conference.[Paper] 05/16/2019: A journal paper titled "Spatial ensemble learning for heterogeneous geographic data with class ambiguity" was accepted by ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems (TIST) 2019.[Award] 04/04/2019: Arpan was awared 2019 Outstanding Graduate Research Award by the Department of Compurter Science in the University of Alabama.[Paper] 09/20/2018: A journal paper titled "Parallel Grid-based Colocation Mining Algorithms on GPUs for Big Spatial Event Data" was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Big Data (TBD) 2018.[Paper] 05/06/2018: A conference paper titled "Geographical Hidden Markov Tree for Flood Extent Mapping" was accepted by KDD 2018.[Award] 04/06/2018: Arpan secured the 2nd position on the annual departmental poster competiton at the University of Alabama.[Program] 01/27/2017: Arpan was selected to participate in the National Water Center Innovators Program Summer Institute of 2017.[Paper] 05/17/2017: Arpan's first research paper titled "Grid-based Co-location Mining Algorithms on GPU for Big Spatial Event Data: A Summary of Results" was accepted in SSTD 2017.