Computer Science Department Clubs and Organizations


ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) is a national organization open to persons interested in the field of Computer Science. MTSU has an active student chapter which any student is eligible to join. Applications to join may be obtained in the Computer Science office, KOM 306. The chapter generally meets at least once a month and regularly schedules guest speakers and field trips to sites of modern computer applications. ACM at MTSU is a service organization and provides supplies to Computer Science students at a minimal cost. All Computer Science majors are encouraged to join ACM and participate in its many activities. Being a member of ACM will provide many benefits as mentioned above, will provide resume material and will allow students to participate in social activities with other Computer Science students and faculty.

ACM student chapter web site

Women in Computer Science at MTSU

WCS (Women in Computer Science) was organized in Summer, 2007 to address problems in attracting female students to the computer science profession and in aiding the retention of these students. Many activites are planned for this organization. Female computer science majors and/or minors are encouraged to join this organization.

WCS web site

Upsilon Pi Epsilon (UPE)

The Paul Hutcheson Delta Chapter of the International Computer Science Honorary was officially sanctioned in 1994. UPE is open to computer science majors (undergraduate and graduate) who have distinguished themselves as scholars. Invitations for membership are based on the following criteria. A graduate student must be a candidate for a graduate degree in Computer Science, and must have completed at least sixteen semester hours for graduate credit. Further, s/he must have a grade point average of at least 3.5 (on a four point scale). An undergraduate student must be a candidate for an undergraduate degree in Computer Science, and must have completed at least sixty-four semester hours for undergraduate credit including eighteen hours in computer science. Further, s/he must have an overall grade point average of at least 3.0, and a grade point average in Computer Science of at least 3.4 (on a four point scale). Contact Dr. Richard Detmer for more information.

Computer Science